

This course will build upon the foundation in listening, speaking, reading, and writing acquired in the Level 2 language course. Building upon skills acquired in the Level 2 language course, students will learn additional vocabulary and structures to allow them to increase written and spoken self-expression.

Students will acquire additional skills in expressing personal and biographical information and in giving detailed information about activities, hobbies, family, and friends. Students will acquire sufficient cultural awareness to be comfortable in typical exchanges with native speakers. Students will acquire deeper knowledge of skills in grammar and assist in developing and improving their communicative and writing skills.

Telugu 3 is a third year course to a 4-year World Language program. Serving heritage and non-heritage families for the past 9 years. Level 3 will prepare to expand students’ comprehensive skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students acquire deeper understanding of phonetics usage and grammar usage in their communication along with gaining proficiency in literary works. They are better prepared and are aware of interpreting oral and written conversations.

The course objectives include developing communication skills and understanding Telugu culture through various methods. Cultural activities are presented to provide each student with opportunities to enhance the understanding of language learning in appropriate cultural contexts. These activities include but not limited to Telugu media, discussion of important Indian and American events.

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